The scenario of present days Construction related works has considerably changed and has advanced with latest type of technology in Designing, Construction, Architecture, and other related works – so has the role of Plant & Machinery advanced for timely completion of these modern time bound Project works with quality by deployment of suitable modern equipments. For competing these activities, APEXINFRA Engineers is no more behind and has also moved ahead by earning a name with good reputation in the construction Industry within country by building landmark projects such as Housing Colonies, Hotels, Malls, Hospitals and Corporate offices etc. spread all over the major cities of the Country and is scaling all peaks of the Industry. Presently among other ongoing Projects the company is fully engaged in the construction of the most prestigious time bound Project i.e. Common Wealth Games Village –Akshardham and Dr.Shyama Prasad mukhrjee Swing pool Complex – Talkotra stadium, New Delhi both Projects related to Common Wealth Games proposed for 2010. Which are historical Projects under execution at present by the company.
These land mark achievements by the company are wholly & solely due to the dynamic leadership of Founder Father of the company worthy Mr. Arvind Kumar, Chairman cum Managing Director of the APEXINFRA Engineers Under whose guidelines & foresight, footing of these heights could be possible.
- With regard to various on going construction activities of the Projects being executed at present by our company i.e. APEXINFRA Engineers within Delhi/NCR and other important cities of the country. I feel it my moral responsibility to highlight some of the following utilities of Plant and Machinery deployed at our various Project Sites under execution at present.
- All construction related activities of present days are fully dependent on modern mechanization.
- For such construction related works irrespective of High rise buildings, Roads, Bridges and Dams etc. Appropriate Plant and Machinery has to play important role without which all is impossible.
- To make impossible as possible, deployment of right equipment for right activity has to be ensured.
- Timely Planned deployment of Plant and machinery has to play major role for execution and completion of Time Bound Project works.
- By such mechanization, performance of High Quality work is ensured and save numberless man days.
- Safety of the workers on the operational jobs is the topmost priority, for this it has to be ensured that workers at work sites use proper safety gadgets such as helmets, safety shoes, safety belts, safety jackets, safety glasses and other required safety wears etc.
- Maintenance of Plant and Machinery, its periodical services as per prescribed checklist is the utmost requirement for smooth and trouble free operation of the equipment.
- Over and above maintenance of records such as Log books, preventive maintenance records, work done records and other relevant records is a must and important.
Planned Mobilization of Plant and Machinery at Project Site
- Earth Work related Machinery
- Structure Work related Machinery
- FFinishing Related Works Machinery
- JCB Excavator Loader
- Poclain
- Bob Cat
- Air Compressor
- Earth Compactor
- De-watering Pumps
- Dumpers
- DG Sets
Structure Related Works
- Mini Batching Plants
- Mixers
- Vibrators
- DG Sets