
It was against the favourable backdrop of a growing number of opportunities and Government of India’s firm plans for private sector participation that APEXInfra Engineers forayed into the Mining sector.
To address the widening gap between demand and supply of coal and the increased demand for power, Government of India has allocated captive coal blocks to private companies. This will generate greater possibilities for investment and growth in Mining.
Our Mining division focuses on businesses for Mine Developer-cum-Operator (MDO), removal of overburden and extraction of Coal / Lignite / other minerals from Open Cast Mines in India with the subsidiaries of Coal India Limited, Steel Authority of India Limited, Gujarat Mineral Development Corporation, Singareni Collieries Company Limited, Maha Tamil Collieries Limited and other Private Mine Operators. Further, the division participates in tenders for design, supply and erection of coal handling plants, silos etc., with subsidiaries of Coal India Limited, NTPC, NALCO etc.
Key projects
- Removal of Overburden by deploying the HEMM at Medapalli Open Cast Project, SCCL, Ramagundam, Andhra Pradesh
- Removal of Overburden at Kulda OCP, Basundhara-Garjanbahal Area, Sundargarh, Odisha under MCL of CIL
- Removal of Overburden at Kaniha Project, Lingaraj Area, Talcher, Angul, Odisha
- Removal of Overburden, Extraction and Transportation of Coal from Lohapatti Colliery of Western Jharia Area, Jharkhand